More tomatoes! They're little, and if the last singular tomato was any indication, they'll stay that way. I counted at least six of them, but they're hard to spot due to the sideways, bushy nature of my tomato plant. I was going to get a tape measure and figure out how far away they are growing from the edge of the pot the plant is in, but I forgot about it before I came inside. I would estimate that the two of the tomatoes are at least three to four feet from the edge of the pot. The others are all a little closer. The plant grew sideways out of it's container, leaning toward the shade offered by the shade of the swing next to it. This is where the tomatoes are currently growing. We'll see what happens to them. I'll have to keep an eye on the weather to make sure it doesn't get too cold for them out there. You can see the leaning plant in the background of the picture below.
My pepper plants are still peppering away. I cut a couple of the gypsy peppers off today.
Our Meyer lemon tree has a bit of a lean to it. A nearby standing planter fell on it during a storm. We didn't notice until a few days later. I think I may try to adjust it so it grows a little straighter. You can see that one of the lemons is turning yellow.