Thursday, August 18, 2011

Behold! One tomato! It's hidden from view on the inside of the giant bush that the tomato plant has become. It keeps growing, but only occasionally produces flowers that ultimately don't do anything.

The upside down(still rightside up) tomato container plants are still growing. I think I'm going to wait to flip it until the plants need a cage around them. Then I'll let gravity do the work for me.

The "gypsy pepper" plant is producing more peppers. I ate the first two raw(Amber wasn't interested in them) and they tasted more or less like red bell peppers.

My green bell peppers keep getting bigger and bigger. No sign of the grasshopper that was eating the plant.

Figment wants the door open.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is this. . .

. . . responsible for this???
Not wanting to take any chances, I removed the green thing from my green pepper plant when I went out to check on the garden this morning. It needs it's leaves, and there are plenty of other things nearby to munch on. I took the grasshopper over to some bushes back behind our place and let it go. Hopefully it doesn't remember it's way back to my little pepper plant.

Figment enjoyed having the door open in the morning. She watched me chase the grasshopper around, and would probably have a more detailed (and ego bruising) story to tell about it. Fortunately she doesn't speak, and doesn't know how to type. In addition to watching my bumbling grasshopper chase, she watched birds fly around and listened to the cicadas making noise. She also posed(sort of) for this picture with two recently harvested peppers from the "gypsy pepper" plant.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The leaning garden. For some reason everything leans to the Northwest. Notice the large tomato plant without tomatoes.

It has had a few blooms, but so far nothing to eat.

The (right side up) upside down tomato container plants are still growing. It's no where near ready to flip it over though. I think the instructions say to do it about now, but last year didn't work so well when I did it at this point.

Peppers are growing on both pepper plants. I plan to go out today to try to stake them so they don't lean so much.