Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Yesterday I converted a 5 gallon paint bucket into a self watering container. I used the ends of water bottles for a reservoir the same way I did for the self watering pot I made in the beginning of April. I planted a green pepper plant in the paint bucket. I thought about getting another plant that produces red or yellow peppers, since they're more expensive to buy in the store, but stuck with green since I seem to use them more often. In the self watering pot that I recently harvested lettuce from, I planted a zucchini plant. Both of these were store bought, and already growing, rather than starting them from seeds.

I did use seeds for my cucumbers that I planted in one of the rubbermaid containers early in the month. They're growing nicely.

My upside down tomatoes are still growing, confused as they are.
My normal upright tomato plant isn't doing as well though. Some of the leaves are turning yellow, and it's not looking as healthy as it did before. It decided to bolt again, and produced lots of flowers around the same time its overall health went downhill. I removed some of them in the hopes that it will spend more energy on itself rather than producing tomatoes, but I'm going to have to stop doing that if I'm going to have any to eat.

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